Why Startups Fail Newsletter
90% of startups fail – that's a significant number.
When it's all too easy to get carried away by startup success stories, nothing is more problematic than hoping to outdo the odds and failing to do so.
Why Startups Fail is a bi-weekly newsletter where curated insights on startup failures and what you can learn from them are delivered straight from Southeast Asia's boutique Business Scalers to your inbox.
Why Startups Fail Newsletter features:
Pulled records of 20+ startup failures for analysis – to help create your new roadmap to entrepreneurial success
Case studies provide in-depth insights on the company's overview, management team, funding, sequence of events, and analysis on reasons for failure
A quick checklist of learning points to help you in scaling your business
What to Expect:
Bi-weekly failed startups from Southeast Asia, spanning verticals ranging from E-commerce, Fintech, 3D Printing, Gaming and many more in the first six months
BlackStorm Consulting’s unique methodology and data-driven solutions - a growth boutique that specialises in corporate strategy, profit management and investment management
Keep a lookout for this space. Our first in-depth case study on why startups fail is almost ready—hop on our mailing list today and be the first to receive it for FREE.
Inside Scoop of Honestbee Case – for FREE!
Honestbee, once regarded as a successful Southeast Asian startup story, expanded in eight markets in just three years and was supported by a USD 46 million raised fund. However, within a few months, everything went downhill. The company had fallen apart, its profits had been wiped out, and its reputation was in disarray. So, what went wrong?
Subscribe now to learn more about Honestbee, its startup story, successes, failure points, and many more for free! Can you learn from these mistakes and grow your own startup? Let's take a look at Honestbee's rise and fall this week.